Bottle Rocket Soda
All Recipes

- Safety glasses
- Empty 2-liter soda bottle
- 3 tablespoons ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda
- 2-3 cups vinegar
- Measuring cups and measuring spoons
- Duct tape
- 3 pencils
- Construction paper to decorate rocket
- One cork (make sure it will fit mouth of soda bottle)
- Paper towels
- Assemble and decorate your rocket, using the pencils as ‘feet’. Secure them to the bottle using duct tape.
- Fill the empty bottle about halfway with vinegar.
- Add 3 tablespoons of ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda onto a small square of paper towel.
- Roll the paper towel tightly enough to fit inside bottle, and so that no baking soda can spill out.
- Place paper towel full of baking soda inside bottle and plug with cork. (Do not plug too tightly, but don’t allow any liquid to spill out.)
- Take the bottle outside. Turn the bottle upside down, place on its ’feet’ and STAND BACK!
- Watch as the rocket soars into the sky.
- Adult supervision is recommended.