Tips for Exercising Outdoors, All Year Long


Fresh air. Beautiful scenery. The open road. Getting out of the gym and moving things outside is a great way to change up your routine. Or, skip the gym altogether and save money by exercising outdoors; fresh air comes free of charge! And you don’t have to let the temperature outside keep you from heading out. Here’s how to make the most of your workout, in winter and in summer.

1.For Outdoor Exercise Anytime

No matter the time, place or season, follow these guidelines when working out:


  • Quench Your Thirst: An obvious rule, but still important! Drink 8 to 16oz of water beforehand to prevent dehydration, and then again afterward to allow your muscles to properly recover and avoid soreness the next day. If you’re sweating a lot during your workout, make sure to drink enough water to make up for your body’s water loss — typically a glass every 15 minutes.
  • Grab Some Grub: Make sure you eat something within 30 minutes of finishing a workout. Even a banana or handful of pretzels can hold you over until you get home to make a meal. A post-workout meal is crucial to restore your glycogen levels and prevent muscles from breaking down.
  • Slather on Sunscreen: No matter the time of year, if the sun is out, you need to wear sunscreen. While it may not seem necessary in the winter, snow can reflect the sun’s rays directly into your face, and exercising outdoors in high altitudes increases the risk of UV exposure.
  • Quit Wearing Cotton: Wear breathable synthetic fabrics that draw sweat away from your body. Cotton doesn’t dry as quickly, which can leave your skin feeling wet and uncomfortable throughout your workout.
  • Stay Fresh: When you sweat, it breaks down the natural bacteria in your armpit, which creates odor. Use an antiperspirant deodorant that’s tough enough to fight odor and wetness to keep you feeling fresh, like ARM & HAMMER™ ULTRAMAX™ Solid Deodorant, which provides long-lasting protection to keep you confident during your workout, and after.

2.For Outdoor Exercise in Summer

How can you get a solid workout when it’s hot, without overheating? Here are few helpful tips to help you beat the heat:


  • Go Early: Working out in the morning can help you avoid the heat and direct sunrays, especially if you go before sunrise, when the day is at its coolest. The sun’s rays are at their strongest at noon, so you’re more prone to burning. And the day is at its hottest between 3 PM and 5 PM.
  • Cover Up: If the sun is out, you might be tempted to ditch the shirt to stay cool, but sunscreen alone can reduce sweat evaporation, which can prevent your body from cooling off and dehydrate you faster. If it’s sunny, wear a thin, light-colored outfit. If it’s not, wearing less is fine.
  • Up Your H2O: An oldie but a goodie. Drink plenty of water in the summer, and if you’re sweating profusely, add electrolytes to your drink to ensure you’re maintaining the right salt balance in your body.
  • Skip the Cup of Joe: Hot beverages can heat up your body and leave you feeling more dehydrated and unable to cool down in the heat. If you need your caffeine, add ice to your morning coffee or blend up a slushy mix.

3.For Outdoor Exercise in Winter

While exercising outside in the winter can boost your immune system, you need to take precautions to stay healthy:


  • Know Before You Go: Good news! The risk of frostbite in 5˚F weather is less than 5%, so you can work out outside most days. But if the wind chill (a combination of wind and temperature) is high, the risk of frostbite will rise. Make sure you know your limitations and check the wind chill before going outside for extended periods. And cover every part of your body so skin isn’t exposed to the elements.
  • Warm Up Longer: You know you need to warm up your muscles (and tendons and ligaments and so on) before you work out. But when you’re exercising in the cold, spend more time warming up and stretching to help avoid an injury.
  • Layer Up: As soon as you step outside, you’ll feel really cold and want to wear a lot of clothing for your winter workout. But as you begin to warm up, take your outer layers off so sweat can evaporate effectively and prevent you from feeling cold and wet. Wear a thin layer of breathable fabric closest to your skin to draw sweat away quickly, a wool or fleece thermal as your middle layer, and a waterproof, breathable coat on top.
  • Get Your Vitamins: The body is more resistant to cold temperatures when you balance your immune system — and a healthy dose of vitamins from fruits and vegetables can help. Load up on veggies and fruits like root vegetables, bok choy, tangerines, and apples to help you become more resistant to cold temperatures.

Tips to freshen things up

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